
CHAI Foundation gratefully acknowledges the following individuals and companies – all of whom have for years unselfishly given their expertise and services pro bono – to speed our research toward the conquest of cancer.

Eric R. Brown, M.D.
Chemist, Microbiologist, Ph.D. Immunology, and Ph.D. Virology,
Our late world class American research director lost to us through an unfortunate accident.

Harry Rubinoff, Attorney
Retired Assistant District Attorney, and our first significant donor whose generosity put CHAI Foundation on its feet, and a former Member of our original Board of Directors.

Aislee V. Smith, Attorney
Former IRS tax attorney, Washington, D.C. – currently president of Tax Concepts Law Firm, Atlanta, GA

Maria Crimi Speth, Attorney
Equity partner at the law firm of Jaburg & Wilk – Phoenix, AZ

Brenda Blunt, CPA
Brenda Blunt CPA PLLC, Phoenix, AZ
Formerly Director at CBIZ MHM, LLC – Phoenix, AZ

Michael L. Gross, Ph.D. – Professor, Department of Chemistry
Professor of Immunology & Internal Medicine

Washington University – School of Medicine – St. Louis, MO
For his exceptional consideration and research help

Henry Rohrs, Ph.D., Assistant Director, Mass Spectrometry Resource
Washington University – School of Medicine

For his exceptional consideration and research help

Craig N. Carter, DVM MS PhD Dipl. ACVPM FNAP
Department of Veterinary Science
University of Kentucky

Noah D. Cohen, VMD, MPH, PhD, DACVIM-LA
University Distinguished Professor – Equine Research
Texas A&M University

Mitch Magee, Ph.D. Microbiologist
Biodesign Institute

Arizona State University
For Dr. Magee’s wonderful encouragement and help

John Yates, III, Ph.D.
SCRIPPS Research Institute – La Jolla, CA
For his helpful suggestions and advice

Tim Dean, CEO
For graciously maintaining Chai Foundation’s website on the internet for these many years.

Cody Campbell, Field Supervisor
Campbell Carpet Care LLC. AZ
For his generous contribution to our printing needs

The Late Dennis Harney, Ph.D. Attorney
Senior Management Associate
Dentons LLP US – St. Louis, MO

Joel N. Bock, Attorney
Dentons LLP US

Colleen Keegan, Attorney
Davis Wright Tremaine – New York

Toni Mattix, President
Homepage Success, Inc. – Peoria, AZ

Jose Obezos
For his ever gracious pro-bono technical assistance over the years.

Sam Denmark
Who believed in us, and generously donated accordingly so our cancer research could bear fruit sooner in the form of a life-saving drug – which we now appear to have identified – and for which we seek collaboration with another accredited research organization.

Maury Los Angeles
Who wishes to remain anonymous. But without whose help over the years, has kept us going by talking us through myriad computer problems.

Sheila Gibson, Attorney
Davis Wright Tremaine – Los Angeles, CA

Grant Leber, Agency Owner
Symmetry Financial Group – Phoenix, AZ

Dale Hunt, Ph.D., Attorney
Davis Wright Tremaine – San Francisco, CA

Lance Daniel, Attorney
The Law Offices of Lance Daniel – Los Angeles, CA

Ward Leber

Richard Roeckner, Business Owner
Las Vegas, NV

Kristin Larson, President
Nahama Giving – Phoenix, AZ

RaeAnne Marsh, President
Glammar & Glitz, Inc.

Ann and Michael Boslin
Biltmore Audio Video

Eroca Daniel, CEO
CHAI Foundation

Austin K. Yamada, President/CEO
The University of Arizona Applied Research Corporation

For his significant endeavor to find an important piece of our missing research puzzle.

Jackie Shore, R.N. & OCN – Certified Oncology Nurse
RN Patient Advocates of Arizona

Amanda Ramirez
Research Volunteer – Phoenix, Arizona

Paul Sutton, MCSE, CCNP
For his continued on-call computer help

Jeff Meyers
Windows XP7 Support – San Diego, CA
Remote computer repair

Joan Dahlstrom
Research Volunteer
For their consideration of contact to celebrities who might wish to donate to us personally, or help with a fundraiser to obtain monies for additional research.

Phoenix Public Library
On-call Reference Department – who have gone above and beyond to help us help you

All Donors
Who opened their hearts, and their hands, and continue to do so to have a hand in helping to bring about the conquest of cancer and to those who have recently joined in our efforts by donating their goods and/or services.