Welcome to the
Chai Foundation
for Medical Research & Life Extension, Inc.
A 501 (C) (3) Non-Profit Corporation

Our Mission Is to Eradicate Cancer With Proven and Exciting New Research Solutions
CHAI Foundation was formed to give those brilliant, credentialed, creative thinkers and researchers an opportunity to help humanity their way.
Who We Are
CHAI Foundation for Medical Research & Life Extension, Inc. (CHAI Foundation), a twenty-seven year old 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in Phoenix, AZ, has identified an anti-neoplastic material that destroys cancerous cells without the toxicity of current modalities. With future work it could be a preventative.
We seek collaboration with another research group due to the loss of Dr. Eric Reeder Brown, our world-class Research Director and Microbiologist (M.D., Ph.D. Virology & Immunology) to an unfortunate accident. Dr. Brown earlier identified a promising immunotherapeutic cancer research treatment breakthrough designated “Protein B” which appears to affect several cancer sites (not the Protein B on the internet). We have ascertained that this anti-cancer material is non-toxic to animals and man; that it shows varying degrees of effectiveness on several cancer sites, i.e., amelioration, regression, and/or complete disappearance of tumor; that pain relief has been noted; and it appears to cross the blood-brain barrier.
The mechanism for Protein B is that it enhances the immune system by particularly enhancing Beta cells causing them in turn to strengthen specific anti-cancer antibodies which attack and destroy malignant cells without harming normal cells. The active material is a biological agent which results from a pre-treated serum injected into a particular large animal strain (which is not sacrificed).
The serum causes the animal’s system to create an immune-stimulating antibody. Dr. Brown stated it gave the animal itself life-time immunity from neoplastic disease. According to Dr. Brown, “Not only is Protein B a hormone, but it destroys the cell membrane and the cytoplasm of the cell. This sheds a whole new explanation on how cancer cells are destroyed in the body.” He added, “The material could become a preventative with future work.“ Dr. Brown furthermore held a theory as from which organ in the body the hormone or autocoid originates.
A Preliminary Patent Application (PPA) has been filed. Funding for collaboration is needed to make additional anti-cancer serum for new tests for comparison to earlier studies. With proper collaboration, and funding for same, we estimate it could take approximately nine to twelve months to reproduce a new batch of the anti-neoplastic material and run comparative animal tests to earlier studies – hoping to lead to an early IND application for human studies in the U.S. for comparison to those done outside the U.S. by Dr. Brown – with very exciting and promising results of 60% to 85% without toxicity on several malignant sites.
- Dr. Brown’s research may well prove cancer to be one disease – or a variation thereof – as opposed to the accepted idea that it is scores of diseases.
- Dr. Brown theorized that “cancer was caused by a virus or a virus particle.” And that the material that genes are composed of are the same as that of viruses.”
- Earlier research showed that this virus modified a particular chromosome – which he identified – that he said grows smaller rather than larger – which is how, for instance, an individual gets leukemia.
- The active material is a biological agent resulting from a pre-treated serum found to enhance the immune system by particularly enhancing Beta cells, causing them to strengthen specific anti-cancer antibodies. (Because of Protein B’s affect on Beta cells, we are considering the possibility of the drug also having an effect in Diabetes – but separate research in this area would have to be undertaken to properly verify).
- We have ascertained that this anti-cancer material appears to cross the blood-brain barrier.
Additional confidential information can be shared via an NDA with interested collaborators at an accredited research center.
Destroys Cells Without Toxicity
Non-toxic to Animals and Humans
World Class Research Director